Take Part in Parish Ministry
Are you interested in getting involved at the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit? We have opportunities for everyone.
Amigas de Jesús
Amigas de Jesús is a ministry for women. The group meets bi-weekly on the second and fourth Fridays of the month at the conference room of the Basilica of Ste. Anne from 10am-12pm. The mission of this ministry if to support women on their journey spiritually, morally, emotionally and educationally; to expand the knowledge of women so that they recognize their value as God has created them in his image and likeness; and to help women develop their talents. The bi-weekly meetings start with prayer followed by talks, activities, refreshments and fellowship. The talks/activities are presented by priests, members from religious orders, speakers from the community, social workers, psychologists, educators, etc. The meetings are conducted in Spanish and are open to all women free of charge. Contact: Juanita Vargas, 313-496-1701 x11.
Barrios Transformados En Cristo
The Barrios Transformados en Cristo assist people with overcoming addictions. They meet as a group every Wednesday for Mass and Eucharistic adoration in the chapel. Contact: Antonio Hernandez, 313.422.5497
Knights of Columbus
The Knights of Columbus is Catholic organization founded by Fr. Michael McGivney in 1882. Charity is the first principle of the Knights of Columbus. The organization operates on the local, national, and international levels. There are currently 15,542 councils with almost 2 million members. Within the local level of a diocese, there are councils that operate in a parish under the authority of the pastor. The Knights of Columbus operates at the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit as the Anacleto Rodriguez Council. The group meets on the second Saturday of the month in the morning. Contact: Kyle Smolinski, kylesmolinski07@comcast.net
Cofradia Guadalupana
The Guadalupe Society is dedicated to growing holiness with the help of the intercession of Our Lady of Guadalupe. The members gather monthly to pray the rosary. They promote devotion to Mary with various activities throughout the year, and they organize the Celebration of Our Lady of Guadalupe on December 12. Contact: Olivia Gonzalez, 313.482.7498
Marriage Encounter
Members host retreats for married couples. They meet regularly to discuss marriage and their ministry. Ste. Anne Marriage Encounter is in Spanish only.
Contact: Olivia Lucas, 313-471-8075
Novena Committee
This committee organizes and implements the annual novena to Ste Anne. Members assist with the planning and assist with the daily Masses, raffle tickets, set-up, hospitality, parking, and serve as greeters, ushers, etc. Contact: 313-496-1701
St. Joseph of Arimathea
Members minister to bereaved families. Volunteers are needed who speak English, Spanish or both.
- They go the funeral homes and pray the rosary with the families and lead liturgical prayers.
- They attend funerals to pray with the families.
- They go the family’s home to pray with them every day for nine days.
Contact: Lupe Martinez, lupe.martinez38@hotmail.com, 313-878-4121 and Joseph Zarazua, jzarazua@comcast.net,734-516-4251
Young Adult Ministries
More information about our many groups for young adults can be found here.
Youth Ministries
More information about our many groups for teens can be found here.