Let us pray for you and your loved ones!
The Shrine of Ste. Anne at the basilica is a living place of prayer and worship. The prayers we offer for you, your family, and your friends are one of the many ways that we fulfill our important mission as a sanctuary of prayer and pilgrimage.Each day we pray for people from across the United States and around the world and present their needs to the confidence and loving intercession of Ste. Anne.
For faithful Catholics, nothing is more powerful than joining together to lift our hearts and minds to God in prayer! Here we offer the opportunity to enroll your loved ones in the many devotions and liturgical celebrations occurring throughout the year. Enrollment at the Shrine is for a year of prayer.
Benefits of Ste. Anne Shrine enrollment include:
- The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is offered weekly for the intentions of the enrollee.
- Monthly healing masses are offered throughout the year for the intentions of the enrollee.
- The enrollee shares in the spiritual benefits of the Solemn Novena conducted each year beginning July 17th and leading up to the Feast of Ste. Anne on July 26th.
- Enrollee namesake entered in the book of Book of Enrollment which is placed at the altar of Ste. Anne in the Basilica.
- A beautiful card from the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit sent to the enrollee that formally acknowledges the Enrollment.