Father Gabriel Richard Guild

Fr. Gabriel Richard Guild 



Speramus meliora; resurget cineribus – We hope for better things; it will arise from the ashes! 


The purpose of the Fr. Gabriel Richard Guild is to:  

  • keep alive the inspiring memory of Fr. Richard;  
  • bring knowledge of his exemplary life to others;  
  • archive information about his life and work;  
  • provide prayer, support, and office services to the Cause. 


The Guild is composed of people dedicated to spreading the legacy of Fr. Gabriel Richard. The annual dues will help fund the work of the Guild.  

Members receive the following benefits: 

  • Inclusion in a Mass celebrated on the anniversary of the birth, death, and ordination of Fr. Richard
  • Remembered at every Mass on the second Monday of the month at 5:30 p.m. 
  • A holy card of Fr. Richard 
  • A semi-annual newsletter  

Join the Guild 

Click on the links below to join the Fr. Gabriel Richard Guild or to renew your existing membership. Call the parish office with questions at 313-496-1701 or email fgrguild@steannedetroit.org. You can also follow the Father Gabriel Richard Guild on Facebook.