Visit the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit
In need of a field trip? The Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit offers docent-led tours for all ages and demographics. It is a great stop for anyone interested in
- Downtown Detroit’s revitalization
- Stunning neo-Gothic architecture
- Religious art
- Catholic history and the lives of the saints
- Michigan and Detroit history
- Ste. Anne, the mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus
- Fr. Gabriel Richard, religious and civic leader who is a co-founder of the University of Michigan
- Hispanic culture, traditions and devotions
- French heritage and history
We are the second-oldest continuously-operating parish in the United States, and our basilica boasts soaring neo-Gothic architecture and the oldest stained glass windows in the city of Detroit. The Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit is also the final resting place of Father Gabriel Richard, a man with an unparalleled legacy in the city and state.
Tours can be arranged for schools, senior citizen communities, families, parishes and other interested groups. Tours are arranged for groups larger than 10 persons. For groups with fewer than 10 persons, call the office and we will arrange that you’re added to a larger tour group on a specific date.
• Tours run around 45-60 minutes
• Ample parking for buses or carpools
• Tour fee is $3 per child, $5 per adult
• Very close to a variety of restaurants
Tours may be scheduled Tuesday-Friday: 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Please click here to download a tour request form. Send the completed form to our office at to request your tour and our staff will contact you.
Private Masses for pilgrimage groups may also be arranged for guests interested in worshiping at the basilica (pilgrim groups, Mass mob type events, ethnic Masses, etc.) Use of the basilica is free; all worship must be according to the norms of the Roman Catholic Church. A free will offering is requested to assist in the upkeep of the basilica.
For more information or to organize a tour or a pilgrimage contact the parish office at 313-496-1701 or email
Please note that we cannot open the basilica to walk-in visitors. Please call at least two weeks ahead to arrange a tour.
Photography is not permitted for commercial purposes without the written permission of the Rector of the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit. Still-photography is permitted for private non-commercial use only.
School tour brochure
General tour brochure