Various privileges and obligations of minor basilicas highlight their important attachment to the Vatican. The papal document, Domus Ecclesiae, spells out the specific privileges granted to a minor basilica. The most important of these is the plenary indulgence. The faithful who devoutly visit the basilica and within it participate in any sacred rite or at least recite the Lord’s Prayer and the profession of faith may obtain a plenary indulgence under the usual conditions (sacramental confession, Eucharistic Communion, and prayer for the intention of the Supreme Pontiff).
Therefore, anyone attending Mass and Confession at the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit on the following dates will receive a plenary indulgence.
- On the anniversary of the dedication of the same basilica – September 20
- On the day of the liturgical celebration of the title – July 26 (Feast of Ste. Anne)
- On the Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles – June 29
- On the anniversary of the granting of the title of basilica – January 27
- Once a year on a day to be determined by the local Ordinary – March 8 (date of the establishment of the diocese of Detroit by Pope Gregory XVI in 1833)
- Once a year on a day freely chosen by the each of the faithful – Personal Choice
In addition to the above dates, to make clear the particular bond of communion by which the minor basilica is united with the Roman cathedral of Peter, the Basilica of Ste. Anne de Detroit will also “celebrate with particular care” Masses on the following dates.
- Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle – February 22 (no indulgence for attending Mass)
- Anniversary of the Supreme Pontiff’s election – March 13 (no indulgence for attending Mass)
We invite everyone to join us for these special Masses. All will be livestreamed, but please note that in order to receive an indulgence you must attend in person.